Help us serve up nourishment, companionship, and HOPE for our homebound older adults in need.
Meals on Wheels Rowan depends on financial contributions from individual donors, foundation grants, church partners, businesses, and special fundraising activities to help pay for 80% of the total meal program cost each year. Monetary donations, in-kind gifts of goods and services, and planned gifts are just a few ways you can help support home-delivered meals for seniors in Rowan County.
We reserve 125 spaces for individuals without the resources to pay for their meals. All participants are asked to contribute toward the cost of their meals as they are able, based on a sliding scale. Your donations are used to provide free nutritious meals and support to our most vulnerable seniors.
The impact of your donation:
Just $13 will provide a meal to a senior in need
$65 will provide meals for 1 week
$100 will provide groceries for 2 weeks
$130 will provide meals for 2 weeks
$540 will provide meals for 2 months
$810 will provide meals for 3 months
$3200 will provide meals for 1 year
You may designate any gift of $25 or more as an honorarium simply by including the individual's name and mailing address. We will send a special card indicating that you have made a gift in their honor.
For memorials, please provide us with the names and addresses of family members, and we will send a card acknowledging receipt of your memorial gift.
The Plate
Join the Plate Club to make automatic monthly donations. Monthly giving provides you with ease of giving and supports our seniors throughout the year.
Every gift, no matter the size, makes an impact and provides nutrition for seniors who do not have the finances, mobility, or assistance to access nutritious food and meals.
other ways to give
Send checks, cash, or money orders to:
Meals on Wheels Rowan
PO Box 1914
Salisbury, NC 28145
For questions regarding donations and acknowledgments, please contact Alexandra Fisher at afisher@mowrowan.org or 704-633-0352.